Category Archives: politics

Health teacher indoctrinates students, child harassed

Basically, a teacher in a health class incorporated outright lies into some abstinence only shit, said some homophobic/transphobic shit, repeatedly brought up the Bible while also admitting to being aware of the First Amendment, and said that kids who aren’t raised Christian don’t have values.

A student recorded this, and her father (who happens to be a YouTuber with a quarter-million subscribers) contacted the FFRF, and then they were both bullied, harassed, and threatened by half the damn town. To the point where they had to leave town out of fear for their safety.

I am furious.

Massive violations of separation of church and state in public schools is not the kind of blast from the past I wanted this year.

Alternative Math, and Satire Failing

And the ridiculous thing is, the comment section on YouTube is full of clueless regressives and transphobes thinking the blatant stand-ins for the Bush and Trump administrations (the actual phrase “alternative facts” originates with Kellyanne Conway), creationists, and Fox News are supposed to represent “liberals”.