Tag Archives: Ghost in the Shell

Anime Challenge Bonus: Genderless Characters

There are two pairs in the challenge where one calls for a male character and the other for a female character. Okay, that’s gender-balanced, but what about characters who don’t fall into either category? Now, I’ve noticed that my choices have already been leaning a little toward the androgynous anyway, but some of these are really outside the gender binary for one reason or another. I don’t think I can avoid referring to these characters with gendered pronouns, though.

And this is going to be a long one because I’m naming multiple characters.

Unfortunately, I think my very favorite character out of ones that can be called genderless is one that I easily could just get away with calling male.


Piccolo. Piccolo Jr., technically. Piccolo actually was one of the onesĀ  I considered as a possibility for my favorite male supporting character, but he’s actually from a species that doesn’t have either sex or gender. All Namekians look and sound more masculine than feminine by human standards, but they don’t seem to really have gender themselves, though there’s never any focus on this either.

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